Storm Safety Tips for Florida Residents
6/27/2017 (Permalink)

Summer months in the “Sunshine State” are filled with on and off rain almost every single day. Those who have lived here for years can relate to the unpredictable, wet, and frustrating weather that strikes Florida. From tracking hurricanes to simply preparing your home for a bad rainstorm, being proactive and diligent is the key to protecting you, your loved ones, and your residential property. Planning ahead is often the difference between total destruction and minor damage, so be sure to prepare yourself during this stormy summer season!
June 1st marked the first day of hurricane season in Florida, so it’s time to educate yourself on the best safety practices before it’s too late. Things like torrential rain downpours, high winds, and storm surges can wreak havoc on your homes. Keep the following storm safety tips in mind this summer:
- Trim your trees properly and be aware of any power lines near your home
- Unplug any unnecessary electrical equipment
- Create a contact list of important numbers such as emergency services, county law enforcement, local hospitals and utilities, and the local American Red Cross
- Be aware of the location of the closet storm shelter
- Make an emergency kit with enough food for 3-7 days, plenty of water, clothing, batteries, first aid kit, flashlights, emergency radio, cash, and a cell phone
- Keep your gas tank filled during the summer
- Right before a storm, turn the refrigerator and freezer temperature to as cold as possible
- Put up your hurricane shutters and remove any loose items from around the house
- Think about purchasing a generator
- Discuss an evacuation plan with your family
The above storm safety tips for Florida residents really only scratches the surface of what needs to be done to adequately prepare for a storm. It is important to take every precaution necessary to ensure the utmost safety during a tropical storm, hurricane, or even heavy downfall. Be sure to check back on our blog to learn more safety tips as we move along into the summer months. Be safe out there!