The Dangers of Mold in Your Home
6/28/2017 (Permalink)

South Florida homes are particularly susceptible to mold growth in their homes because mold and moisture thrive together. A type of fungus, mold is also called mildew and can grow both indoors and outdoors, flourishing in humid, damp, and warm conditions. Unfortunately for Florida homeowners, the weather in the Sunshine State typically creates a humid, damp, and warm environment. As such, mold threatens homes all across South Florida, especially during very hot and humid days. Places like shower stalls, wet carpets, and other areas that suffer from water exposure are most vulnerable to mold growth. This occurs because active mold growth needs moisture. Understanding the dangers of mold in your home is important to preventing serious health risks for you and your family.
Some people are more sensitive to mold than others and will immediately feel an allergic reaction when they are exposed to it. Things like sneezing, coughing, skin rashes, red and itchy eyes, and runny noses are all common allergic reactions to mold presence. Those who have a serious allergy to mold may even experience shortness of breath, even causing asthma attacks for people with asthma. The groups of people who are most often connected to sensitivity to mold exposure are:
- Elderly people
- Children
- Infants
- People with compromised immune systems
- Sufferers of chronic lung disease
Mold can enter a home through vents, windows, doorways, and even air conditioning systems. In addition, outside mold can even attach itself to pets, clothing, and shoes and be tracked inside of a home. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, there have been more than different 1,000 types of mildew and mold identified inside of houses throughout the country. Therefore, contacting a qualified, professional mold remediation expert is imperative to keeping you and your family protected. Unwanted mold growth can lead to adverse health effects and can make living in your own home uncomfortable. If you see any signs of mold it is critical that you contact SERVPRO immediately and speak with one of our mold specialists.