Flood Control Facts for You
7/3/2018 (Permalink)

South Florida home owners are all too familiar with major storms and the flooding the follows them. From heavy winds and heavy rains to inefficient drainage systems, experts have made some frightening predictions for the future of South Florida homes. The Union of Concerned Scientists (UOCS) recently released a report pointing to the potential of chronic flooding effecting one million Florida homes by the year 2100. These warnings are certainly scary and they make most South Florida residents think about how to handle flooding today and tomorrow. One of the most important things to consider is the concept of flood control and how you can use it to your home’s advantage.
Understanding some of the basics of quality flood control is important to minimizing potential dangers that stem from major storms. As we find ourselves in the thick of hurricane season, Florida residents should learn the following flood control facts:
- Drainage systems are always in operation in order to keep water elevation desired level
- The drainage district is in control and cannot open its discharge control to the community
- Opening the discharge control to the community is only authorized in emergency situations
- Older communities typically suffer from severe flooding due to their older storm water systems
- Homeowners can play a role in preventing flooding by avoiding putting trash bags in road swale and avoiding throwing debris in canals or lakes
Being an informed member of your community is essential to keeping your local area and your home safe from severe flooding. Working together as a community to keep canals and lakes free from debris and not placing trash bags in road swales are just a few ways to play a part in controlling flooding. Florida is surrounded by water and with hurricane seasons getting increasingly more potent, it is important to stay educated on flood control.