Storm Tips for Pet Owners
5/27/2019 (Permalink)

Preparing for a hurricane as a South Florida homeowner is stressful. There are what seems like a million tasks to complete and that never-ending list typically takes a lot out of everyone in the family. When a storm is projected to hit your area, you probably have a go-to mental list of things that need to be done. From putting up hurricane shutters to buying the necessary food items and everything else in between, your focus is more than likely on all of the humans in your family. But what about your pets?
We all love our furry friends, but in times of crisis and panic they are usually the first ones forgotten about. As such, it is important to include your pets in your storm planning now to avoid overlooking them in the event of a natural disaster. The following are some great storm tips for pet owners in South Florida:
- Choose a safe location to bring your pet – this may be a safe room or some other interior room in the home
- Determine where you will go in the event of an evacuation and call ahead to ensure that the hotels in the area allow pets
- Know where you pet carrier is and pack extra food when packing food for the family
- Make a pet emergency kit including things like bottled water, medications, canned food, vaccination certificates, copies of tags, health records, and their favorite toy
- Make sure that your pet’s tag and microchip are current and accurate in the event of separation
- Be sure that the safe location for your pet is free from any poisonous substances that they may accidentally eat
Planning for a pet is understandably lower on the priority list than your human family members when a storm is on the way. However, thinking through the best method of protecting them now is the key to keeping them safe if and when disaster strikes. Keep the above tips in mind as your prepare for this year’s hurricane season!