11 Fun Facts about Thunderstorms
11/25/2019 (Permalink)

Florida residents have been through a countless number of storms. From summer’s rainy days to hurricanes to unexpected rainstorms in the middle of winter, Floridians know that a storm always has the potential of hitting. While some storms last 10 minutes and others last hours, their impact can be felt no matter what. South Florida homeowners have grown accustom to dealing with storms of all shapes and sizes. As such, they are likely to underestimate even some of the bigger ones.
The more familiar a person becomes with storms, the more unfazed they become when they strike. In some cases, this is a good thing. Being used to dealing with Florida storms means never panicking and keeping a level head. However, this familiarity can also serve to dull the potential damage that major storms bring. As such, we have collected some interesting facts about storms to not only entertain, but to also highlight how important it is to take them seriously.
The following are a few of our favorite facts about thunderstorms:
- Rain actually pulls storms down
- Lightning is seen before thunder because light travels faster than sound
- A fear of thunder and lightning is called Astraphobia
- Lightning has an average temperate of 36,000 degrees Fahrenheit
- By counting the number of seconds between a flash of lighting and the sound of thunder, you can calculate how many miles away it is (second divided by 5)
- They eye of a storm is extremely calm, even sunny in some cases
- A thunderstorm produces about 6,000 lightning strikes each minute
- There are three types of possible thunderstorms
- Lightning is actually hotter than the sun’s surface
- A cumulus cloud in the sky weighs over 1 million pounds
- Thunder can happen during snowstorms too
Storms vary drastically in size, severity, and prospective damage that they cause. At SERVPRO of North Palm Beach County, we are dedicated to serving our community during the toughest of storms. Our storm damage team is prepared to handle any type of property damage that your home or commercial location may have suffered. Give us a call today to learn more!