Preventing Mold Growth in Your Shower
4/20/2021 (Permalink)

No matter what, every bathroom will accumulate moisture, which can eventually lead to mold. By reducing this moisture, you can reduce the chance of mold growth in your bathroom and especially shower. To keep every room in your house safe, clean, and healthy and prevent structural damage, it is absolutely crucial to take action steps to prevent mold growth.
Here some very easy steps to prevent mold growth in your shower:
Get an Effective Fan and Makes Sure it Works Properly
A working fan is the first step in preventing mold growth in your bathroom and shower. These fans work by sucking in moisture from the bathroom and sending it outside. Make sure your fan is large enough to sufficiently cover the space of your bathroom. A good rule of thumb in deciding this is to multiply the square footage of the room by 1.1 if your ceiling is 8ft or 1.5 for 9ft. Additionally, you should run the fan during your shower and for a half an hour after to prevent any leftover moisture from growing mold.
Get Rid of Any Excess Water
To prevent the spread of mold or mildew before it starts, you should mop up any extra water as soon as possible. A great way to do this is with a squeegee, a tool with a flat, smooth rubber blade that is used to remove liquid on a flat surface. By just taking one minute to use a squeegee after a bath or shower, you can reduce the amount of moisture in your bathroom by 75%. This is a great way to reduce moisture and thereby prevent mold growth.
Fix all Leaks
Different from large pools of water, small leaks can build up over time that leads to ton of extra moisture. As soon as you notice a leak in your bathroom or shower, you should try to remedy the problem as soon as possible. Putting off these repairs can let this moisture build over time. Waiting to fix a leak will only lead to more problems in the long run.
Keep It Clean
As intuitive as it sounds, keeping your bathroom and shower clean is another way to prevent mold growth. You should regularly clean your bathroom to keep the room sanitary and mold-free. This also including cleaning the items within your shower. Places like the bottom of shampoo bottles can be a sneaky place for mold to grow.
At the end of the day, the best way to deal with mold in your shower is trying to prevent it from growing in the first place. This is done by reducing the potential of moisture to diminish any potential of mold growth.